“If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito”

African proverb

How can you support us?
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    Prompt donations

    Help us to carry out our projects with a small economic donation!

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    Share on Social Networks

    Just a like can push us even further

Do you have personal goals?
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    Become a T4G partner

    An small monthly amount can make our dreams become real

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    Become a T4G volunteer

    If you want to get involve in our NGO this is your space. Your free time is very valuable for us

Are you an enterprise?
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    Become a cooperative enterprise

    Do you have some useful stuff? What you referred as old can be seen as new for a lot of people

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    Become a sponsor

    Just imagine your company helping us achieving our goals. Wouldn’t be amazing being part of such beautiful projects?

Are you an educational centre?
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    Be aware of our story

    Our volunteers give informational talks to approach a different reality to Schools and High Schools

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    Internship agreements

    If you are a University student or the University itself, we are wide open to listen to your proposals